Manufacturing process

Wind turbine bearing manufacturing

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Wind turbine bearing manufacturing

Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy
Sub Sector
Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Alternative Energy
Indicative Return
Describes the rate of growth an investment is expected to generate within the IOA. The indicative return is identified for the IOA by establishing its Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return of Investment (ROI) or Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
> 25% (in GPM)
Investment Timeframe
Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.
Medium Term (5–10 years)
Market Size
Describes the value of potential addressable market of the IOA. The market size is identified for the IOA by establishing the value in USD, identifying the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or providing a numeric unit critical to the IOA.
> USD 1 billion
Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.
> USD 10 million
Direct Impact
Describes the primary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)
Indirect Impact
Describes the secondary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Climate Action (SDG 13)

Business Model Description

Bearing is a core part of wind power devices and is technology-intensive. The value of bearings ranks third among all parts in a turbine, second to blades and gearboxes. Business model: selling bearings to complete turbine manufacturers.

Expected Impact

Bearing industry's intelligent manufacturing can drive green manufacturing transformation, improve power generation efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create more jobs.

How is this information gathered?

Investment opportunities with potential to contribute to sustainable development are based on country-level SDG Investor Maps.


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Country & Regions

Explore the country and target locations of the investment opportunity.
  • China: Guangdong
  • China: Zhejiang
  • China: Guizhou
  • China: Shandong
  • China: Jiangsu
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Sector Classification

Situate the investment opportunity within sustainability focused sector, subsector and industry classifications.

Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy

Development need
China's current energy structure dominated by fossil energy. Fossil energy resources are limited and can release large amounts of carbon dioxide when burnt, accelerating global climate change and extreme weather events. Thus, renewable energy is crucial to China's green transformation and energy security.

Policy priority
The proportion of non-fossil energy in total energy consumption should be increased to about 20%. State Council's action plan for carbon peaking stated that wind and solar power generation, biomass power generation and heating should be developed. By 2030, the total installed generation capacity of wind and solar power will reach above 1200 gigawatts. (1)

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Renewable energy employs about 32% women, compared to 22% in the energy sector. (2)

Investment opportunities introduction
The IOAs in the renewable energy sector center around the utilization of solar energy, wind energy, and biomass energy.

Key bottlenecks introduction
The energy endowment and demand don't match. Hydropower generation is centralized in southwest China, while wind and solar energy are centralized in northern China, which is far away from the centers of consumption in the eastern and coastal areas. The instability of renewable energy poses a challenge to the consumption and stable operation of the grid.

Sub Sector

Alternative Energy

Development need
Wind power is the second most crucial renewable energy for China and plays crucial role in achieving China's carbon targets. However, its further development faces several challenges including: land-use limitation, wind curtailment. (3)

Policy priority
With increasing installed wind capacity, China's current policy focus has shift from giving subsidies to driving grid parity, promoting offshore wind power projects, as well as improving utilization rate and consumption. (4)

Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Wind resources are unevenly distributed across China. Higher average wind speeds can be observed in the northeast, northwest, and southwest plateaus and coastal islands. (5)

Investment opportunities introduction
The IOAs in the wind power sector center around wind turbine manufacturing, and the operation of wind farms.

Key bottlenecks introduction
The intermittent nature of wind energy making it hard to be fully utilized. Most of China's rich wind resources are located in the north and west while the power demand is in economic centers in eastern and southern China, requiring long-distance transmission. (6)


Wind Technology and Project Developers

Pipeline Opportunity

Discover the investment opportunity and its corresponding business model.
Investment Opportunity Area

Wind turbine bearing manufacturing

Business Model

Bearing is a core part of wind power devices and is technology-intensive. The value of bearings ranks third among all parts in a turbine, second to blades and gearboxes. Business model: selling bearings to complete turbine manufacturers.

Business Case

Learn about the investment opportunity’s business metrics and market risks.

Market Size and Environment

Market Size (USD)
Describes the value in USD of a potential addressable market of the IOA.

> USD 1 billion

Describes the historical or expected annual growth of revenues in the IOA market.

5% - 10%

In 2021, the market capacity for China's domestic wind turbine bearing manufacturing is 20.3 billion RMB. In 2025, it is expected to reach 25.3 billion RMB, which corresponds to a CAGR of 6%. (7)

Indicative Return

Describes an expected percentage of revenue (that is actual profit before adjusting for operating cost) from the IOA investment.

> 25%

According to the average of the gross margins disclosed by Luoyang Xinqianglian Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd.’s Prospectus, SKF’s 2021 Semi-annual Report, and Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.’s 2021 Semi-annual Report, the internal rate of return of similar projects is greater than 25%.

Luoyang Xinqianglian Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd.’s gross margin of wind power bearing is around 30%. SKF’s gross margin is 29.6%. The company's main business includes bearings and bearing units, seals, mechatronics, and service and lubrication systems.

Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd.’s 2021 Semi-annual Report, its gross margin is 23.10%. The company's main business includes the manufacturing and sales of bearings and bearing units.

Investment Timeframe

Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.

Medium Term (5–10 years)

Luoyang Xinqianglian Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd.’s after-tax static payback period of the main engine supporting bearing construction projects of high-power (2.0MW and above) wind turbine is 6.54 years (2-year construction period included), and its after-tax internal rate of return is 20.14%.

Ticket Size

Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.

> USD 10 million

Market Risks & Scale Obstacles

Capital - CapEx Intensive

Wind power bearing device is costly: 40 million yuan each. The application scope of wind power bearing devices is narrow. The cost could hardly be recovered if the model's capacity is eliminated from the market. Thus, bearing manufacturers faces threats of low profit and high cost. (8)

Business - Supply Chain Constraints

Customers of wind power bearing manufacturers are mainly downstream turbine manufacturers. Given the large payable amount and low turnover rate of downstream industries, their performance will be negatively influenced if they cannot collect the payable in time in case of operational downturns. (15)

Impact Case

Read about impact metrics and social and environmental risks of the investment opportunity.

Sustainable Development Need

As wind turbine capacity increases, the size of wind power bearing becomes larger, which doubles the manufacturing difficulty and proposes new requirements for the manufacturers.

Gender & Marginalisation

Renewable energy employs about 32% women, compared to 22% in the energy sector. Yet women employers only account for 21% of the wind energy industry (based on survey responses). (21)

Expected Development Outcome

As a crucial part of wind turbine generator systems, wind power bearing is important to the entire system's service life, performance, and reliability. Investing in bearing manufacturing that can adapt to the trend towards larger wind turbines can drive the trend and reduce costs.

Gender & Marginalisation

Large-scale deployment of renewable energy can create more jobs. Women's performance in the wind industry can be enhanced by addressing gender inequality, including network building, mentoring, training, experience sharing, gender policies, internship opportunities, and discussion sessions. (21)

Primary SDGs addressed

Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)
7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption

Current Value

The share of non-fossil energy in China's primary energy consumption reached 15.9% in 2020. (20)

Target Value

The "14th Five-year Plan" stated that the share of non-fossil fuel in China's total energy consumption should be increased to around 20%.

Secondary SDGs addressed

13 - Climate Action

Directly impacted stakeholders


By lowering the per kWh cost of electricity, people can afford renewable energy. (19)


More installed wind power can help reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Quality improvements in bearing manufacturing can extend the service life of wind turbines and reduce recycling pressure.

Indirectly impacted stakeholders


The wind power parts manufacturing industry can create employment. By 2030 and 2050, including bearings, the jobs created are expected to be 204,000 and 223,000, respectively.


Reduce Carbon Emissions. Accelerated deployment of wind power coupled with deep electrification will help reduce about 6.3 billion tons of CO2, over a quarter of the total emissions in 2050. (17)

Outcome Risks

Since wind power bearings are usually used in severe environments, the maintenance cost is high. Recycling abandoned bearings is under high pressure as well. (23)

Impact Risks

Insufficient electricity consumption can lead to idle capacity in wind and solar power.

Impact Classification

B—Benefit Stakeholders


The outcome can be positive, long-term, and large-scale. Investment can promote bearing industry's intelligent manufacturing, thus driving industrial transformation and green manufacturing.


Training for people in other industries should be provided to empower their transfer into emerging industries. The training programs should care for gender and marginalized groups. (18)

Impact Thesis

Bearing industry's intelligent manufacturing can drive green manufacturing transformation, improve power generation efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create more jobs.

Enabling Environment

Explore policy, regulatory and financial factors relevant for the investment opportunity.

Policy Environment

"Made in China (2025)" listed bearings and other components among the five "foundations of industry" projects; support will be provided for enterprises to promote technological improvements. (16)

Work to upgrade industrial foundations; aim for high-end digital development; support enterprises to build technological innovation platforms; solidify quality brand foundations, cultivate Industrial culture, implement talent projects, and construct modern industrial chain. (11)

"Technological Progress and Technological Transformation Investment Directions of Equipment Manufacturing (2010)" listed bearings as the top priority among the development of basic components, including speed-increasing gearbox bearings in wind turbines, etc. (25)

Financial Environment

For the financial institutions that offer carbon emission reduction loans to enterprises in critical areas, the PBOC would provide financial support for 60% of their loan principal at an interest rate of 1.75% through a direct mechanism of "lending before borrowing". (10)

Since Jan 1, 2008, the measure of tax being collected first and then refunded would be applied to the import tariff and VAT paid by domestic enterprises for the imported key components and raw materials used for the development and manufacturing of high-power wind turbines. (9)

The "Interim Procedures on the Management of Special Funds for the Industrialization of Wind Power Generation Equipment" clearly stated that the central government would allocate special funds to support the industrialization of wind power generation equipment. (26)

Regulatory Environment

The key components used in all new on-grid wind power projects should go through type certification following the "Wind turbines—Conformity testing and certification” (GB/Z25458-2010). The certification process should be carried out by authorized institutions.

Bearing production in China follows the laws and regulations on general industrial products, including the "Work Safety Law", "Product Quality Law", etc. There are no specialized laws and regulations for the bearing industry. (13)

NEA issued the "Rules on Wind Power Standard Establishment" and the "Wind Power Standard System Framework” which includes wind turbine design requirements, tests for wind turbine's power characteristics, certification rules and procedures, etc. (12)

Marketplace Participants

Discover examples of public and private stakeholders active in this investment opportunity that were identified through secondary research and consultations.

Private Sector

Chinese bearing manufacturers mainly include Wafangdian Bearing Co., Ltd., Luoyang LYC bearing Co., Ltd., Luoyang Xinqianglian Slewing Bearing Co., Ltd., etc.


Jiangsu: Intelligence and deep sea development should be targeted, focusing on breakthroughs in large wind turbine main bearings. Fujian: Performance and capacity of bearings, gears, and other transmission parts should be improved to meet the needs of the host machines. (24)

Target Locations

See what country regions are most suitable for the investment opportunity. All references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of the Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)
country static map

China: Guangdong

The target locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Wind Technology & Project Developers, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Zhejiang

The target locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Wind Technology & Project Developers, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Guizhou

The target locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Wind Technology & Project Developers, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Shandong

The target locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Wind Technology & Project Developers, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Jiangsu

The target locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Wind Technology & Project Developers, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.


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